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The two good reasons to incorporate extra virgin olive oil into your life are its flavor and health benefits.

Let’s talk about flavor

First of all, when we talk about vegetable oils, the selection is mainly limited to refined fats. Rapeseed or sunflower oil, oils from seeds such as sesame, linseed, and hemp are the most commonly available.
But what many people don’t know is that the raw materials go through a refining process to obtain these oils.
In fact, their fat is extracted through solvents and often at very high temperatures. During this process, they also lose their aroma, flavor, and nutritional value. In other words, they have no taste.

On the other hand, extra virgin olive oil retains all its characteristics, including its delicious fruity taste that can vary depending on the olive variety, harvest time, and origin.
Without a doubt, it is an excellent complement to your recipes, with flavors for all palates.

Let’s talk about Health

The other big reason is that extra virgin olive oil is a source of health, mainly due to its high content of monounsaturated fats and the presence of polyphenols.

Various studies have determined that its regular consumption in quantities of at least 10 ml per day helps prevent cardiovascular and degenerative diseases.
We don’t realise how much we can save on medication through a good diet with extra virgin olive oil as the main ingredient.

In summary, in addition to its health benefits and delicious flavor, extra virgin olive oil is also versatile and can be used in different ways in your diet. Use it in your salads, in your vegetables, or even simply on bread with garlic. Extra virgin olive oil is an excellent option to add flavor to your dishes while improving your health.

Do you need more reasons to start incorporating extra virgin olive oil into your diet, or is this enough to get you started?

Vanessa (0034) 671.26.05.48

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Flavor Health and Olive Oil

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