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Bellverd Extra Virgin Olive Oil Bottle 50CL
Bellverd Extra Virgin Olive Oil Bottle 50CL

High-quality extra virgin olive oil is a premium product that is made from carefully selected olives that are cold-pressed.
It is considered the best olive oil due to its intense and fruity taste, as well as its beneficial properties for health.
The olives are harvested by machine and pressed within 24 hours to ensure optimal quality.
High-quality extra virgin olive oil is also rich in antioxidants, monounsaturated fatty acids, and vitamins E and K, making it a healthy choice for cooking and health.
It can be used to enhance the flavor of many culinary preparations, such as salads, meats, and vegetables, and is also ideal for marinades.
In short, high-quality extra virgin olive oil is a versatile and premium product that deserves a place in any well-equipped kitchen.

Three important attributes that give the exact definition of a superior quality olive oil: DEGREE or ACIDITY INDEX, PEROXIDE VALUE, and K270 CONSTANT.

First and foremost, to give the exact definition of extra virgin olive oil, it is important to distinguish three categories of oil:

High-quality extra virgin olive oil

This is a high-quality olive oil that has no defects.
Its oleic acidity must not exceed 0.8%.

Virgin olive oil

This is a good quality olive oil that may have some slight defects.
The chemical criterion that differentiates it from extra virgin olive oil is its acidity level, which must be lower or equal to 2%.

Olive oil

This is actually a commercial name.
It represents a blend of refined olive oil and virgin olive oil, called “coupage”.

Refined olive oil

Obtained from virgin olive oils through refining techniques.

The DEGREE or ACIDITY INDEX of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

This first attribute indicates the amount of free fatty acids present in the oil, expressed as a percentage of oleic acid.
Free fatty acids are released and therefore the degree of acidity increases when the olive is defective. These are the reasons why the oil may have some defects:

  • Parasites
  • Diseases
  • Poor treatment of olives during harvesting and/or transportation
  • The oil extraction process…

Olives harvested at the right stage of ripeness and properly processed will have an acidity level between 0.2º and 0.4º and will have optimal organoleptic properties.
The lower the acidity level, the better the properties.

The Bellverd Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the exact definition of an extra virgin olive oil.
In addition to being a 100% Arbequina monovarietal oil and early harvest, it is a superior category extra virgin olive oil, because it comes from a first cold press.


In an oil or fat, this is a widely used measure that represents the degree of rancidity that occurred as a result of storage.
It makes it possible to evaluate the degree of oxidation of the unsaturated fatty acids in the fat (rancidity). This oxidation occurs in several stages.
The peroxide value is a control of the progress of the first stage. Indeed, the more the oil is oxidized, the higher this index increases.
Unfortunately, this oxidation is inevitable.
Therefore, in order to delay it, the producer must take precautions during olive harvesting, processing, and oil storage.


It essentially represents the percentage of reduction in resistance to oxidation.
Therefore, the value of this constant depends on the freshness of the olive oil.
It goes without saying that old oils or mixtures with used oils have high values of K270. It should be noted that the value of this constant is very low immediately after bottling and of course it increases with the age of the oil.
Furthermore, exposure to sunlight or high temperatures accelerates the aging process.
For a very good quality olive oil or extra virgin olive oil, the K270 constant value must be between 0.15 and 0.22.

When choosing a good olive oil, opt for an extra virgin olive oil.

In summary, if you have to choose, opt for extra virgin olive oil.
It is undoubtedly the best olive oil since its nutritional properties are intact.

Pay attention to the information on the label , especially regarding the acidity index, which is fundamentally synonymous with quality and must be present on the label.
As for the peroxide value and the K270 constant, do not hesitate to ask the producer for the analysis result of their olive oil.

You will find Bellverd’s analysis in the “Quality” section of our oil.
This analysis is of course an obligation for the producer since it defines in advance that it is indeed a superior quality extra virgin olive oil.
For more details, you can refer to the IOC (International Olive Council) Standard/T.20/Doc. No 4 “Sensory analysis: General basic vocabulary” of the Official Journal of the European Union.

Vanessa (0034) 671.26.05.48

#Lot22 #Arbequina #Bellverd #OrganicExtraVirginOliveOil #Bio #HuileDOliveBio #OlidOlivaEcologic #OOVE #AOVE #km0 #MasTupiner #alimentosano #healthlife #Borrassà #AltEmporda #Catalunya

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The exact definition of an Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

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